Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Transparency Statement

At Gloveman Supplies Ltd, we recognise our responsibilities to address and mitigate the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking in our operations and throughout our supply chain, having a zero tolerance policy both within our organisation and with our business partners across Asia and Europe.

When negotiating with any new suppliers or manufacturers, we ensure due diligence is followed, especially with those in the higher risk categories. Visiting the sites of any potential business partners, especially those of high risk, is a matter of course for us at Gloveman Supplies Ltd, which allows us to see first-hand the conditions in which their workforces perform their duties.

Our staff are aware of the Modern Slavery Act and the company’s responsibilities in reporting any suspected contravention of this responsibility.

Although we, at Gloveman Supplies Ltd (incorporating trading divisions Nicholsons SW and WSB tackle), are not required by law to publish this statement as per Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, we consider it our duty to issue this transparency statement to reassure all our business partners that this is an integral part of our operations.


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