Vinyl Gloves FAQs

What are Vinyl gloves made of?
Vinyl is a non biodegradable, synthetic material made from polyvinyl chloride - PVC. These include plasticizers. This means that vinyl gloves will therefore have a longer expiry date compared to gloves like latex. The material is also protein-free which can reduce allergic reactions.

Can you be allergic to Vinyl Gloves?
As polyvinyl chloride contains no proteins, then the gloves can cause hardly any allergic reactions to the wearer. However, sometimes a reaction called contact urticaria can occur. This can result in a simple skin irritation caused a lack of ventilation inside the glove and perspiration (sweat).

Why are Vinyl gloves used?
Vinyl gloves are used for a large number of different reasons. Depending on certification of manufacture, usually confirmed in the gloves product description and manufacturing specifications, they can be used for the following.

  • Food hygiene.
  • Tattooing and Piercing
  • Protection against soiling and low hazard chemicals.
  • If the vinyl gloves have EN455 certification - and are therefore registered as a Class 1 Medical Device - they can be used patient care. It's important to note that the gloves need to be changed following each procedure and each patient to prevent cross contamination.
  • Hairdressing
  • Light DIY jobs such as painting and decorating.
  • Light car and vehicle maintenance

Vinyl Gloves - powder free or powdered?
Vinyl gloves can either be non powdered or powdered gloves. Many years ago most gloves were powdered and this helps the user to don the glove more easily and to help reduce sweating. However, the powdered glove isn't as popular as it used to be especially for food preparation and patient care, as the powder can fall into a food substance or onto a patient that may have a reaction.


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