Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy

To give you the very best possible experience this site uses cookies. Using Gloveman Supplies Ltd's website means you are giving us consent (agreeing) to use our cookies. These cookies are essential, allowing you to "shop" effectively. For example, the cookies we use allow us to store the items in your basket, allow us to process the items you've ordered through the checkout. Other cookies also enable us to maximise your experience and to help us understand how we can improve your visits.

Any analytical or social media cookies are used purely for social sharing and visitor traffic monitoring purposes.

You can, however, disable the cookies in your browser as described below, but unfortunately you will not be able to process any orders online.

If you're using Internet Explorer
Select 'Tools' from the menu.
Go to Internet Options.
In the tab marked 'Privacy', use the scrolling bar to manage your cookies settings.

If you're using Firefox
Select 'Tools' from the menu and choose 'Options'.
Go to the 'Privacy tab.
You will be able to control cookies here, usually by ticking a box that disables them.

If you're using Chrome
Select 'Tools' and go to 'Options'.
Go to 'Under the Bonnet' and choose 'Content Settings' from the 'Privacy' section.
Choose your settings in the 'Cookies Settings' tab.

If you're using Safari
Go to the menu and select 'Preferences'.
Select the 'Security' icon and choose your cookies settings.

If you're using Opera
Go to the main menu and select 'Preferences'.
Select 'Privacy' and choose your cookies settings.


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